Enigma Stream Inc. is a Nevada Non Profit organization. We are organized for research, education and scientific purposes. 


Enigma Working Group

New HRVG graduates are granted the opportunity to join our working group. The primary focus of Working Group is development. We hone our skills by utilizing the methodology as close as possible. We offer supplemental training for free taught by certified HRVG instructors or by members of the organization that displays competence of the methodology. It is important to nurture the thinking mind. The Remote Viewing community benefits from this development. This is built into our environment. We want to ensure that viewers have the opportunity to utilize the skills and grow as a person while doing it. Enigma Working Group is our gym.

Enigma Members

Working Group members may be invited to become part of the organization. This invitation is the step after Working Group. An enigma member has spent time in working group on their individual development. These members are dedicated to the HRVG craft. The thinking mind has been developed to a degree at which projects can be thought of with originality. Our operations range from research, exploration, supplemental classes from HRVG and targets of interest. We want all of our working group members to get to this point of operation. These members are in direct support or Enigma Working Group and acts as the staff for its operation.